Destiny is not determined
Creating your own destiny is like being the chef in the kitchen of your soul. You have a recipe for success, but you're free to add a little seasoning, skip the onions, and whip up a unique dish that is bloody delicious. But, sometimes life may throw a few mindblowing chillis your way, but you can turn them into a gourmet masterpiece.
Think of it as being the architect of your destiny. Life gives you the blueprint, but you have the creative license to design a castle, a treehouse, or a cozy man shed. You're the builder of your dreams, and if a few bricks fall along the way, you can always use them to pave a new path.
In this grand play of existence, you're both the playwright and the lead actor. So, why not deliver a decent performance that leaves the audience (and you) in stitches, tears, and applause? After all, life's too short not to create your own destiny, complete with your unique and hilarious plot twists.
Think of the “Why” rather than the “What”. That will help you decide on which ingredients to bring together.