Stop putting off joy

Person smiling with joy outdoors, embracing life's moments with Binday Blues

Putting off joy is like trying to bake your pizza for "just one more minute" until it turns into a charcoal frisbee and your left venting words that would make a sailor blush. Life is like a 10-mile walk, and procrastination is like sneaking in for a rewarding pint after the last orders have been called!

When you procrastinate joy, you're essentially playing hide-and-seek with your own happiness. You hide it so well that even your future self can't find it, leaving you frustrated at the absurdity of it all.

In the end, delaying joy is a bit like saving a packet of Wagon Wheels for a special occasion, only to find out that you've missed the "best before" date by 2 years. So, embrace the silliness, unwrap that joy, and savor it while you can.

Make time and think about what you want to do otherwise you’ll look back with regret and resentment.


Small steps, not giant leaps


Make the days count